We’ve enjoyed our time away, but STILL DOIN’ IT couldn’t stay away forever…on THURSDAY JULY 1, 2010 join us for a special one-off event featuring UK heavyweights CALIBRE and MARCUS INTALEX! This will be an 18+ event at the Rickshaw Stop – 155 Fell Street (@ Van Ness) in San Francisco. Click HERE to buy […]
Posts under ‘Still Doin’ It’
Saturday, July 4: All-Vinyl Night!
SATURDAY, JULY 4, 2009 This July 4, the SDI crew celebrate their independance with a night dedicated to the format we all love….vinyl records! NO cd players…NO computers…just 100% pure vinyl goodness from start to finish. So after you are done with the “normal” fireworks, join METHOD ONE, KUZE, SIK and AX!OM MC for some […]
Saturday, June 6: the return of STUNNA (chicago)
SATURDAY, JUNE 6 2009 As he is one of our favorite producers and favorite guest dj’s, it was only a matter of time before Chicago’s STUNNA returned to rock Still Doin’ It with his seriously deep-dished grooves. But that’s not all! Former SDI resident Emcee Child returns to the microphone as well. Are u dumb? […]
Saturday, May 2: DJ M
SATURDAY, MAY 2 2009 Still Doin’ It welcomes back one of our original residents for a night of drum & bass style (and headphone pigtails): DJ M alongside the Still Doin’ It residents: KUZE /Â METHOD ONE /Â SIK /Â AX!OM MC
Saturday, April 4: DJ Smoove
SATURDAY, APRIL 4 2009 Still Doin’ It presents a San Francisco favorite in a rare drum & bass set: DJ SMOOVE www.myspace.com/smoovethedirtypunk • 3-Time nitevibe.com “Dream Team” DJ • Voted “Best DJ 2008” by SF Bay Guardian Readers alongside the Still Doin’ It residents: KUZE / METHOD ONE / SIK / AX!OM MC
Saturday, March 7: Qzen
SATURDAY, MARCH 7 2009 Still Doin’ It presents the drum & bass return of one of our very favorite San Francisco djs: QZEN www.myspace.com/qzendj  alongside the Still Doin’ It residents: KUZE / METHOD ONE / SIK / AX!OM MC
Saturday February 7, 2009: Tyler Straub
SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7 2009 special debut birthday set: TYLER STRAUB (Levitated Recordings / Santorin / Bassdrive) Who is Tyler Straub? Hailing from the ‘burbs of San Francisco, Tyler has in a very short time become a producer and dj whose work speaks for itself. As a producer, he already has releases to his credit on […]
The Still Doin’ It Site is being redesigned!
As you can tell by the broken links and bland layout, we have just done a major overhaul to the stilldoinit.com site and database. THis should all be fixed shortly, but until then you can get updated SDI information on our Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/San-Francisco-CA/Still-Doin-It/39994638235 Thanks!
Saturday December 6: SDI 4 Year Anniversary Party
                  Providing San Francisco with the sounds of deep drum & bass since 2004…and yes, we’re Still Doin’ It! This month we celebrate our 4 year anniversary with a showcase of our current and new residential talent. KUZE […]
Saturday November 1: Halloween Weekend OLDSCHOOL NIGHT
Still’ Doin It returns during the epic Halloween weekend with a special sweet treat — a night of tasty oldschool classics featuring the return of one San Francisco’s drum & bass legends…  GENOME [aka DJG / shelter / sf] He’s lately been making waves internationally with his dubstep work as DJG, but tonight Genome returns […]